Lessons and Insights Learned from the Buy-Side Transaction Process [PODCAST]

Lessons and Insights Learned from the Buy-Side Transaction Process [PODCAST]

Sam Van Hon, CFO of PACK Private Capital, joined the Transaction Abstract podcast to discuss his experiences and lessons learned through the buy-side transaction process.

Van Hon describes PACK Private Capital as a multi-family office with 16 partners and an “evergreen model” (holding acquisitions in perpetuity to grow and deliver shareholder value) that maintains a large focus in the construction industry. He discusses his organizations approach to identifying targets, process takeaways, and expectations while engaging in a buy-side transaction process.



If you have questions about the buy or sell-side transaction process, contact a Redpath and Company advisor here.

Experiencing an M&A Transaction Process for the First Time [PODCAST]

Experiencing an M&A Transaction Process for the First Time [PODCAST]

Spencer Gerberding joined Joe Hellman, host of The Transaction Abstract and partner at Redpath and Company, to talk about his personal experience—and...

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Betting on Yourself: The Self-Funded Transaction [PODCAST]

Betting on Yourself: The Self-Funded Transaction [PODCAST]

Kevin Bibelhausen, Principal at Fruition Capital, joined host Joe Hellman, Partner at Redpath and Company, on The Transaction Abstract podcast. In...

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Leveraging Trusts as Part of a Complete Wealth Management Strategy [PODCAST]

Leveraging Trusts as Part of a Complete Wealth Management Strategy [PODCAST]

Jon Fortin, J.D., Partner and Wealth Services advisor at Redpath and Company, joined Mind the GAAP to discuss trusting planning as part of a sound...

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