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Mergers and Acquisitions

Does Your Manufacturing Company Need a CFO or a Controller?

This blog was originally written in 2021. It has been updated with new references and resources.

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Redpath and Company Receives 15th Annual International M&A Award

Saint Paul, Minnesota (July 31, 2024) - Redpath and Company (Redpath) was announced as a winner of...

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Potential Red Flags in a Quality of Earnings Report

Every M&A transaction is different, but all are complicated. Ultimately, you want to ensure the...

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The Impact of Tax Reform on Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Transactions

Buyers and sellers have always taken taxes and tax law into account when evaluating a potential...

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IOI vs LOI in an M&A Transaction

While an initial flurry of buyer interest can create an illusion of a quick finish, translating...

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Net Working Capital in an M&A Transaction

The purchase price in an M&A transaction is often thought about as the enterprise value, which is...

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Building Your Strategic Business Growth Roadmap

There are a few key process steps to creating a strategic plan for business growth.

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Does Your Company Need an F Reorganization?

October 10, 2023 – When you start a business you put a lot of thought into how to structure it from...

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Joe Hellman Announced as Recipient of Emerging Leaders Awards

Saint Paul, Minnesota, June 13, 2023 - The M&A Advisor announced Joe Hellman, Partner and Advisory...

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M&A Advisory Outlook for 2023

Are we in for a year of robust activity when it comes to mergers and acquisitions and do buyers or...

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Is Your Company an A Asset?

Anyone who has founded and successfully built a business has good reason to take pride in that...

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How to Prevent M&A Deal Fatigue

August 11, 2022 - While the quality of assets and the business remain the primary focus in mergers...

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Selling a Company: Business Exit Strategy

For years or decades, you have been running this business. It’s a 24/7 job. Now, as you contemplate...

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Corporate Development: Build vs. Acquire

Strategic planning is the time to think big. Ask what is possible and ask what it would take to get...

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Roadmap to Successful M&A Business Integration Outcomes

How smoothly business integration goes after a merger or acquisition can determine the fate of your...

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